Travel for Your Life Blog | Tips, Hacks & Advice to Travel the World Fearlessly
Why we all need to talk about Trump’s Muslim ban

Why we all need to talk about Trump’s Muslim ban

I’m part of a lot of travel groups on Facebook and the overwhelming thing I’ve seen in the last few days is people complaining that Trump’s Muslim ban shouldn’t be discussed on there as it’s not about travel, it’s about politics.  I beg to differ. This ban is most...

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Solo Travel: Dealing with Goodbyes

Solo Travel: Dealing with Goodbyes

When thinking about solo travel the biggest concern that most people have, after safety, is whether they’re going to get lonely.  I can assure you that you’re not going to get lonely: you’re going to meet loads of new and wonderful people. When traveling,...

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Travel for Your Life Gets the Liebster Award

Travel for Your Life Gets the Liebster Award

I’m very happy to announce that, only just over a month after launching, Travel for Your Life has been awarded the Liebster Award. A condition of the award is to answer a set of questions. Someone commented the other day that there isn’t a lot of personal...

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This morning I woke up on a deserted beach on the coast of Java.  My friends and I traveled through the night to get here and it is just beautiful.  As I sit out in the water waiting for a wave I realize that I am perfectly and completely happy in this moment. I could...

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Find out how to quit your job, travel the world, and transform your life

Hey I'm Chantell

I quit my job to travel in 2014 and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I know first hand how hard it can be to get everything in place in order to be able to travel, to know what to pack and where to go, let alone how best to go about your travels once on the road. Here I share everything I've learnt so far so you don't have to learn through as much "trial and error" as I did...Read more